In Texas, fault plays a significant role in compensation after a car accident. Our state uses a modified comparative negligence rule. If you are over 50% responsible for the accident, you cannot seek compensation from the other party. However, if your fault is 50% or...
Car Accident Injuries
Are you dealing with amaxophobia after a crash?
A car crash can be a traumatic event – both physically and emotionally. However, the emotional effects of this turn of events may not manifest immediately if someone is focused on their physical injuries. When they do present, however, they can be life changing and...
Why are brain injuries caused by car crashes so expensive?
Car crashes can cause severe injuries even when people properly use restraints and follow all traffic laws. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur because someone hits their head on part of the vehicle or because a vehicle spins or rolls over during the crash. TBIs...
Can a traumatic brain injury get worse?
If you suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a car accident, you certainly hope that you’re going to experience healing in the days and weeks to come. You hope that as the injury improves, your symptoms will fade and life will “go back to normal.” But this kind of...
Why do teens have such a high fatal crash rate?
When you compare teen drivers to other drivers in the United States, a few glaring facts stand out. One of them is that these drivers suffer a disproportionately high fatal accident rate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that this rate is...
What damages can those hurt in a Texas crash seek to recover?
Car crashes may only last a few seconds, but they can result in lasting consequences for the people involved. Those hurt in a collision often need to seek compensation. Every motorist in Texas is subject to legal requirements necessitating liability insurance. People...
3 types of injuries caused by seatbelts during car crashes
The very first motor vehicle safety lesson that every child typically learns is to always wear a seat belt. Parents usually put children into special safety restraints, but once they move into normal seats, children still have to consistently wear a safety restraint...
The difference between a class action suit and a mass tort case
In some personal injury scenarios, numerous people will have suffered essentially the same injury. Each individual’s harm may not be identical, but it has the same root cause. Each then wants to sue the person or a company that they believe is responsible for those...
Will car insurance be enough to replace someone’s wages?
Collisions on the road are a leading cause of premature death and severe injury across the United States, including here in Texas. Every day, people get into crashes that wreck their vehicles and send them to the hospital. Injuries ranging from broken bones to spinal...
2 tips for reducing the risk of a serious car crash
For multiple years, improved safety features in vehicles and informed public policy helped drive down the rate of major motor vehicle collisions. The number of crashes that occurred each year and the number of people who died in traffic decreased slowly, creating a...