For multiple years, improved safety features in vehicles and informed public policy helped drive down the rate of major motor vehicle collisions. The number of crashes that occurred each year and the number of people who died in traffic decreased slowly, creating a...
San Antonio Personal Injury Law Blog
Will criminal charges help those hurt by the baby formula recall?
Parents with young children have felt the pressure created by the baby formula recall for more than a year now. Many households depend on formula for an infant's nutrition. Parents trust the companies that make formula with their babies' lives, as the formula may be...
Baby formula recall now leads to criminal investigation
Supply chain interruptions were problematic enough, but the closure of a production facility for baby formula by Abbott Laboratories in Michigan last year started a chain reaction that caused nationwide shortages in 2022. Initially, the information about...
2 reasons defective airbags can lead to catastrophic injuries
Some of the largest-scale automotive recalls in recent years have involved defective airbags. These crucial safety systems can prevent potentially fatal or life-altering injuries. When people purchase newer vehicles, the safety systems, such as side-impact airbags,...
What impact does contaminated formula have on infants?
For a surprisingly long time now, retail establishments have had a hard time keeping infant formula in stock, which has made parents and many professional care providers quite nervous. This necessary product serves as an alternative to breast milk produced by the...
Paying for someone’s long-term care after a debilitating injury
For all of the convenience that motor vehicles create in modern society, they come with burdensome costs. The individual costs associated with vehicle ownership pale in comparison to the societal impact of motor vehicle collisions. Crashes are a leading cause of...
Camp Lejeune contamination
You have heard the words “Camp Lejeune” in the news in the past few years, but few understand the tragedies there. Camp Lejeune was a Marine Corps military base in North Carolina. For years, it housed millions of servicemembers and their civilian family members....
Similac baby formula faces new recall due to leaks, spoilage
Could your baby’s infant formula be spoiled? That’s the question a lot of parents need to be asking themselves right now, given that Abbott Nutrition has issued a new recall of certain formula products. Complaints about the company’s safety standards have been...
Things to consider when selecting a guardian for your children
When you become a parent, you dream of watching your children graduate from high school or get married someday. It can be painful and make you very emotional to think about the possibility that you die before you get to witness your child's major milestones. Although...
Coping with limb loss after traumatic incident
Physical, emotional and financial challenges await anyone who loses a limb in a traumatic incident. A person may have a limb severed in a motor vehicle accident or doctors subsequently amputate the injured arm or leg in order to save a person’s life. Many challenges...