Your catastrophic injuries stemming from a large-truck crash make you wonder whether you can recover physically, emotionally and financially. It will take a great amount of time to heal, and it also may take some time to determine who or what was responsible for the...
San Antonio Personal Injury Law Blog
Qualities you want in an executor
Whether you are creating a will or updating this important document that transfers your assets to beneficiaries upon your death, you understand the important decisions involved. One of them is choosing an executor. Who should that person be? It does not have to be...
Our firm is on the frontline of the formula recall fight
New parents have to put a lot of faith in others to provide for their children. Families have to trust the medical workers assisting in labor and delivery. They also have to rely on businesses that produce products for infants and young children. Mothers who plan to...
Considering digital assets in your estate plan
Not long ago, it was unusual for someone to have more than one or two bank accounts. Now that internet banking has become more prevalent, you will likely have several accounts with different intended purposes. There are many assets to consider when you create an...
3 moves to better protect your children in an estate plan
Children are typically the main beneficiaries of a parent's estate plan. Especially when they are still minors, you will want to ensure that they have adequate protection until they reach adulthood if you are not there to care for them. Too many parents fall into the...
A dangerous and deadly trend
COVID-19 both changed and divided the nation. Pro-vax and anti-vax camps clashed. Mask mandates only added to the rancor. Yet, if there is one thing both sides can agree with is that the pandemic changed the world. The rise in careless, reckless, and negligent driving...
FDA comes under fire, Abbott finally reopens after recalls
The baby formula recall that has been a prominent part of 2022 has resulted in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration facing frustration from anxious parents and individuals throughout the country. The U.S. FDA is in charge of “protecting the public health” of people...
Who is responsible for the Abbott Nutrition baby formula recalls?
Over the last few years, many of the normal activities in the United States were put on hold due to fears about spreading illnesses. People found themselves working with skeleton crews, moving to remote work and handling reviews and inspections from afar. U.S....
Being seen on your bicycle
Whether you use your bike for exercise, a hobby or transportation, summer is a great time to get your bicycle out for another adventure. Safety is an essential part of going out on your bike. In addition to your helmet and other protective gear, you should also make...
The national infant formula recall: What you need to know
Nationwide, there is a baby formula shortage. This shortage is frustrating, because many babies need supplemental formula and nutritional support. Since it’s getting harder to find formula, many parents have needed to spend more time and money on the formulas they...